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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/23/2006
Greenfield Conservation Commission
August 23rd, 2006

Attended:               Karen Day, Karla Allen, Neal Brown, Roger Lessard, Janet Romanelli
Absent:         Miriam Lockhart

Special attendees:      Laura Putnam, Greenfield homeowner
                        Anthony Woolf, Greenfield homeowner
                        Dave O’Hara, Surveyor

Current Business

Minimum Impact Application for Vic Mangini Jr.– vote whether to sign or not. Based on info from the DES that this doesn’t meet the minimum impact criteria, all members present voted not to sign it.  Later in the meeting, Dave O’Hara came in and was informed of the decision.

Open Space Committee volunteershave two volunteers – need 1 or 2 more. As of this date, there are now three volunteers - Laura Putnam, Dawn DeCosta Gallo and Carol Irvin.  Janet volunteered also, and will call the others to determine a best evening to meet.  Karen will provide Janet with the “point” system to rate open land so we can determine how much we have.  Other resources are Hancock’s committee and Karla has some books.  A suggestion was made to have programs at the elementary school.
Possible new memberLaura Putnam.  Laura is a real estate agent in Nashua and moved here to escape the growing sprawl, but is alarmed at the rate of growth now starting.  She would like to get involved in Open Space.  Karen will provide the documentation for her to get onto the Con Com.
Druckenmiller landupdate on any new info. Some background was provided for the newcomers: this 80-acre lot is for sale, but realistically only 5-6 lots could be built because it is so wet.  Some abutting landowners have shown interest in putting their land in easement if this parcel is preserved, but so far it has not happened.  One frontage lot was sold and another belonged to the Druckenmiller daughter, who has already put it on the market. A possible plan is to get the price reduced, buy it with a loan from the Russell Foundation, sell off one-two frontage lots to pay off the loan, and then put the rest in conservation.  Carol Hall of the Russell Foundation is also looking at other options.  Laura found some coms to compare so that Karen can get back to Carol.  Karla said that the piece on Route 31 is comparable.  If the frontage is too wet, we wouldn’t be able to sell those pieces.  If it all falls through, we can get a grant - Andrea Gilbert has experience writing grants.  Might Crotched Mountain Foundation give us some money toward it?  American Steel?  Wildlife corridor info is needed to support a conservation request - could the PWA do it?  A transect is needed, but that costs a lot.  Fish & Game’s map doesn’t show it as high.  Ask Craig Morocco for help.  The listing agent agreed to call Karen if an offer came in.  A soil analysis is needed - could UNH do it?  Karla agreed to call someone about it.  Could the landowners be asked for the transect?  Why not?  A meeting should be called of all the interested parties.  Laura will call the listing agent for info.

Photo Contest  - vote on Spring pictures – Neal should bring picture board and any votes to meeting. Winners names will go in the next Spirit.  The winners were F, E and A.
Ø       Peter Hopkins came in to talk about a lot that Pratt builders bought where they would have to flatten a scar on a four-acre lot and take the gravel back to the slope.  He stated that the flattening would not be within the 25’ buffer.  The group agreed to a site walk at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 28th and to meet at the lot at the corner of Slip and Cornwell.  Following the site walk, Karen will get back to Peter.
Ø       Anthony Woolf, a new homeowner in Greenfield, asked if this year’s minutes could be posted to the town website.  Janet and Karen will take care of it.  He asked how many could be on the Con Com and was told we could have as many as seven; we currently have six, one of whom is recovering from a stroke.  His concern is the Fleck property - next to the Vaillancourt’s?
Turtle signsneed to schedule a work bee to get these done.  Tabled until winter/spring.

Fish & Game program for the fall - Deer? Turkey?  Janet looked on Fish & Game’s website and didn’t see anything, but will call.  Bears? Fishers? They need land to roam on.  Something’s Bruin?

Any other business brought forward by members or attendees - none.

Mail of importance - none.

Submitted by Janet Romanelli